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Fy myfyrdodau cynnar ar y CITB yr wyf yn ei arwain – Tim Balcon
Mae bron i ddau fis wedi mynd heibio ers i mi ddod yn Brif Weithredwr CITB ac rwyf wedi treulio’r amser hwn yn gwrando, yn arsylwi ac yn ceisio deall anghenion cydweithwyr, cwsmeriaid a phartneriaid fel ei gilydd.
New training centre celebrates successful first course
A new training centre in North Wales has successfully trained its first cohort of scaffolders.
Multi-million investment in future of Welsh construction
The future of the construction industry in Wales has been given a boost by CITB’s multi-million-pound investment in four construction training and employment hubs.
Consensus consultation on Levy Proposals to start next month
The Construction Levy rates will remain the same for 2022-25 under proposals confirmed by the CITB Board on 21 May, with industry support to be measured this summer.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 12 May 2021
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Research by CITB has shown that almost all construction workers have experienced stress in the last year, and more than a quarter have experienced suicidal thoughts.
“This has to stop. Too many people are struggling – I hope my story can help.”
CITB is working with Lighthouse Club to provide the support that the industry needs. This collaboration has trained almost 5,000 mental health first aiders in the construction sector, who have already helped around 6,300 people.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 5 May 2021
Today’s email details the CITB’s plans for returning to face-to-face customer support, and our end of year review.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 29 April 2021
Today I want to talk about the Nation Council Chair vacancies for England and Scotland; the Supply Chain Sustainability School virtual workshops and webinars on Fairness, Inclusion and Respect; the HSE’s new toolkit aimed at reducing work-based stress; and how CITB is widening support for employers with apprentices who have to “Travel to Train”.
Nation Council Chair vacancies: Help shape the future of construction skills
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has Nation Council Chair vacancies for England and Scotland.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 7 April 2021
This week we launch the Nation Plans, detailing skills priorities for England, Scotland and Wales. There is also a reminder that the deadline is this Sunday to have your say in our Levy proposals consultation, and news that hundreds of Level 3 qualifications are now free for some adults as part of a Government initiative.
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