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CITB announces Consensus consultation for 2026-29 Levy

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced today that it will start Consensus engagement with the construction industry on Levy proposals for 2026-29 in September 2024. Consensus is a process that CITB usually undertakes every three years to ask construction employers for their views on its plans for generating Levy and the skills and training this will deliver to the industry. CITB’s core focus for the proposals being shared in September is to ensure that the exemptions and reductions stay current and appropriate.

Ofsted monitoring inspection finds “significant progress” in training quality at CITB’s National Construction College

Following a recent monitoring visit, Ofsted has today confirmed that the Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) National Construction College (NCC) is making “significant progress” towards providing high-quality training for people in the construction industry.

Building Safety Act, heralds in generational reform

Dr Bola Abisogun OBE - On 28 April 2022, following my 32-month sabbatical at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Digital Built Britain ‘CDBB’, the Building Safety Bill received Royal Assent, marking the introduction of the Building Safety Act and a pivotal paradigm shift for UK construction.

Shortlist announced for the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Construction 2024

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is delighted to announce the shortlist for the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Construction Awards 2024.

Over 250,000 extra construction workers required by 2028 to meet demand

The annual industry forecast from the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) highlights the continuing persistent gap between what the UK needs to keep up with demand and the workforce available to meet the challenge.

Record number of SkillBuild Regional Qualifier competitors

Colleges across the UK are preparing to host the largest and longest-running construction skills competition, with over 1,000 students set to compete in the SkillBuild 2024 Regional Qualifiers this year.

CITB at UKCW 2024

CITB is exhibiting at the UK’s largest built environment event during next month's UK Construction Week at the London Excel from 7 - 9 May. The CITB Customer Engagement team will be there to provide their knowledge and support to all customers who attend.

Transforming the construction skills landscape

The launch of this year’s Business Plan is a significant step forward in our longer-term ambition to transform the skills landscape.

CITB unveils new direction: Investing in the construction skills system

Today, CITB unveiled its Business Plan for 2024-25. The new direction sets out to build on previous plans and shows how they will support and empower employers by investing £267m over the coming year.

The Top 100 Most Influential Women in Construction Awards Returns for 2024

CITB is delighted to announce the launch of the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Construction Awards for 2024. Returning for the third year, the awards will continue to highlight the significant contributions of women from across the construction industry and showcase women in the sector in order to make female and non-binary role models more visible and accessible.

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