Employer information
How does it work?
The Shared Apprenticeship Scheme is an innovative collaboration between CITB and regional partners. It has been established in response to industry demand, as a way of providing construction contractors with an opportunity to meet local training obligations, a way to support and benefit from apprentices event if they are unable to offer them a long-term placement, and to maximise additional training opportunities for apprentices.
- The apprentice is employed by the Shared Apprenticeship Scheme, so employment responsibilities will be taken care of and you will only be re-charged for the time the apprentice is with you.
- The flexible nature of this scheme can provide your business with the chance to secure new contracts and at the same time provide an opportunity for an apprentice.
- Your business will benefit from an injection of energy from talented young people when your workload peaks.
- All Shared Apprentices get the best training the industry can offer – with CITB.
- Our focused selection process gives you the opportunity to select the correct person for your company.
- Your business will benefit from the significant saving of the costs normally associated with recruitment.
- Your apprentice will be fully supported by CITB representatives, who are committed to helping them complete their qualifications and become successful tradespeople.
- At the end of the scheme, or at any point during, you have the option to take over the apprentice’s employment – adding a fully-trained member to your workforce.
Is it suitable for you?
- Do you have a training opportunity in an area that you don’t traditionally work in?
- Have you identified a training opportunity within your company for an apprentice, but can’t commit to the long-term employment of that apprentice?
- Are you committed to giving apprentices an opportunity to learn and progress?
Employer testimonial
“We got involved in the shared apprenticeship programme because of its flexibility. If we get a busy period we can take a trainee on, but we aren’t financially committed for the normal length of an apprenticeship which is about three years. This lack of risk means we’re more likely to employ more apprentices in the future. The scheme works for us as Building Skills do an assessment of trainees before they start. They’re given a full induction and an apprenticeship tool kit which prepares them and makes sure they have the right attitude. This also frees up our time. We get invoiced for each apprentice by BSFF rather than having to pay them through our payroll so we have less administration.”
“We’re giving people a chance to get a position in the building industry when they might have otherwise struggled to find work.”
Gerard McEvoy, Director of Penny Lane Builders Ltd
Contact information
To find out more about a SAS in you area, please contact the following:
Constructing the Future (Merseyside, Cumbria, Lancashire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester)
Rachel Donovan CTF Careers Service Manager, Tel: 07976 079544, Email: rdonovan@calico.org.uk
CoTrain (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Oxfordshire, Surrey, West Sussex)
Tel: 0118 9207 200, Email: apprenticeships@cotrain.org.uk, Website: www.cotrain.org.uk
Evolve (London & the West Midlands including Birmingham)
James Hackett Evolve Business Manager, Tel: 07891 691180, Email: james.hackett@evolveuk.org
EN:Able Futures (Yorkshire & Humber, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire & North Lincolnshire)
Julie Deeley EN:Able Futures Director of Operations, Tel: 07432 239150, Email: Julie.deeley@efficiencynorth.org
TrAC (Norfolk, Essex, Suffolk, Kent, E.Sussex)
Paul Wright TrAC Project Manager, Tel: 01603 737739, Email: Paul@tracweb.co.uk
SWSA (South West England)
Julia Coulton SWSA Business Manager, Tel: 07718 338879, Email: julia.coulton@swsharedapprenticeships.com
SHAC (Scottish Highlands)
Tel: 07551 736088, Email: info@shachighland.co.uk