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Nation Plans
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Following our Business Plan, our Nation Plans set out what activities CITB will focus on in England, Scotland and Wales to support the construction industry to have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce, now and in the future.
And like our Business Plan, the Nation Plans focuses on tackling three key priority areas:
- Inform and enable diverse and skilled people into construction
- Developing a training and skills system to meet current and future needs
- Support the industry to train and develop its workforce
You can find more detail on these challenges by visiting our Business Plan.
We will inform and enable diverse and skilled people into construction by:
- Supporting existing CITB Hubs which provide a one-stop recruitment solution for construction employers
- Continue to deliver new entrant support to employers through out New Entrant Support Teams (NEST)
- Lead the development and implementation of a CITB national engagement strategy to encourage and support ex-offenders, military service leavers and NEETs into a career in construction.
We will develop a training and skills system to meet current and future needs by:
- Developing new Competence Frameworks to cover more occupations, defining the knowledge, skills, experience and behaviours (KSEB) needed to carry out specific job activities
- Develop and test the first set of alternative pathways to sit alongside apprenticeships to bring additional new entrants to a transferable level of competence
- Work closely with the UK Government to make sure funding is aligned to industry skill needs.
We will support the industry to train and develop its workforce by:
- Expand coverage of our local Employer Networks across England
- Launch new sector plans delivering vital work to meet the skills needs of employers
- Begin building a network of training providers that will act as the focus for delivery of CITB training support for employers.
Read the England Nation Plan (PDF, 29.4MB)
Nation Plan: Wales - highlights
We will inform and enable diverse and skilled people into construction by:
- Continuing to support and promote the take-up of Construction GCSEs and A Levels in Wales
- Expanding our network of STEM ambassadors to 80 in Wales, including 8 Welsh language speakers to support career activities and promote the opportunities in Construction
- Attract and provide over 800 learners with the opportunity of learning about how construction works through our partners delivered industry insight events such as Open Doors and See Your Sight.
We will develop a training and skills system to meet current and future needs by:
- Supporting the launch of new Construction Degree Apprenticeships in Wales
- Working closely with the Welsh Government to influence funding strategy to align with industry skill needs
- Work with our FE college partners to explore and introduce new niche specialist provision in Wales for apprenticeships that are currently only available in England.
We will support the industry to train and develop its workforce by:
- Expanding coverage of our local Employer Networks across Wales
- Developing and implementing interventions that help address tutor and assessor shortages in the industry
- Begin building a network of training providers to delivery CITB training support for employers.
Read the Wales Nation Plan (PDF, 28.8MB)
Read the Wales Nation Plan (Welsh) (PDF, 28MB)
Nation Plan: Scotland - highlights
We will inform and enable diverse and skilled people into construction by:
- Continuing to deliver Scottish Apprenticeships as part of our SDS contract, recruiting a minimum of 1,426 apprenticeships throughout 2024-25
- Supporting Scottish employers through the newly established New Entrant Support Team (NEST), helping them to recruit apprentices, access apprenticeship grants and securing suitable training provision
- Expanding the range of quality apprenticeships and other training programmes delivered through our National Construction College in Inchinnan.
We will develop a training and skills system to meet current and future needs by:
- Collaborating with Skills Development Scotland’s review of apprenticeships, making sure they deliver the skills industry needs and prepares individuals for a future in construction
- Working closely with Scottish Government to align with the reform of the Scottish skills system
- Support the Scottish Construction Accord’s Transformation Action Plan to deliver a shared vision between the industry and the public sector to create a thriving and high-performing construction sector.
We will support the industry to train and develop its workforce by:
- Expanding coverage of our local Employer Networks to cover the breadth of Scotland
- Beginning to build a network of training providers that will be the focus for CITB training support for employers
- Designing, developing and testing a new Training Needs Analysis service for small businesses.
Read the Scotland Nation Plan (PDF, 24.1MB)