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Your search for MEMBRANES resulted in 14 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems abutments

This standard covers knowledge and skills to understand insulation - flat board and tapered - and to understand the importance of Building Regs Parts L and B.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems installation

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane roofing systems.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems penetrations

This standard covers knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane to roof penetrations.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems preparation of roof decking

The standard covers the knowledge and skills to use their gas torches/hot air guns safely.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems protection inspection and testing

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to understand insulation flat board and tapered.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane Safe2Torch

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane to roof penetrations.

Flat roofing (RBM) vapour control layers

This standard covers an introduction in understanding the necessity of a bituminous vapour control layer.

Gas membranes preparing to install

The purpose this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to fully understand the prestart requirements of preparing to install ground gas membranes and venting systems.

Gas membranes preparing to install - refresher

The purpose of Gas membrane preparing to install refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full Gas membrane preparing to install course or subsequent refresher course, and can provide proof of attendance.

Hot applied roof membranes: rubberised bitumen

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to apply hot roof membranes: rubberised bitumen.