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Your search for pressure resulted in 6 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Apply paint using HVLP equipment

This standard is about providing protection to the work area, assembling and setting up the high volume low pressure (HVLP) air spray systems, applying coatings with air spray equipment and cleaning out and maintaining the air spray equipment.

Apply paint Using HVLP Equipment - Refresher

The purpose of the Introduction to spray painting using HVLP equipment - refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the Introduction to spray painting using HVLP equipment standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Gas network construction – installation of mains product/asset up to and including medium pressure

This is one of the standards held by the Energy & Utility Skills Register

Introduction to spray painting Using HVLP Equipment

The HVLP course is designed to teach decorators about the use of high volume low pressure spray equipment both with a turbine and a compressor.

Introduction to spray painting Using HVLP Equipment - Refresher

The purpose of the Introduction to spray painting using HVLP equipment - refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the Introduction to spray painting using HVLP equipment standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Utility pipework construction (low and medium pressure gas services up to 63mm)

This is one of the standards held by the Energy & Utility Skills Register