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Your search for water resulted in 43 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Apply liquid, multi-pack, resin and mastic asphalt systems

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the safe and correct application of liquid, multi-pack, resin and mastic asphalt Type A waterproofing systems.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems abutments

This standard covers knowledge and skills to understand insulation - flat board and tapered - and to understand the importance of Building Regs Parts L and B.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems detailing

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane roofing systems.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems installation

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane roofing systems.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems penetrations

This standard covers knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane to roof penetrations.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems preparation of roof decking

The standard covers the knowledge and skills to use their gas torches/hot air guns safely.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane roofing systems protection inspection and testing

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to understand insulation flat board and tapered.

Built up roofing (RBM) waterproof membrane Safe2Torch

This standard covers the knowledge and skills to install waterproof membrane to roof penetrations.

Certificated surveyor in structural waterproofing (CSSW) examination preparation

The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to refresh and update candidates with the knowledge to achieve the certificate of: Certificated surveyor in structural waterproofing (CSSW).

Dismantling and removing work area protection

This training standard is in development and will be published shortly.