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Your search for roller resulted in 34 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

Use the Download as CSV button to save these search results to your computer. We update these standards frequently, so you should check the website and download a new version regularly.

Repair and maintenance of traditional pre-1919 buildings

This standard enables learners to select materials, components and equipment and prepare surfaces to receive decorative or protective paint systems by brush or roller on conservation or restoration projects.

Ride on roller (experienced)

This standard is exclusively for use by Approved Training Organisations (ATOs). The purpose and scope of this standard is to provide the learner with the skills and knowledge to support Ride on roller (experienced)

Ride on roller (novice)

This standard is exclusively for use by Approved Training Organisations (ATOs). The purpose and scope of this standard is to provide the learner with the skills and knowledge to support the operation of Ride on roller (novice)

Ride on roller training

Grant is only available for this standard for achievements up to 30 September 2023.