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Your search for PAS resulted in 105 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Repair and maintenance of traditional pre-1919 buildings - Refresher

The purpose of Repair and maintenance of traditional pre-1919 buildings - Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Repair and maintenance of traditional pre-1919 buildings standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Rooftop safety training - refresher

The purpose of Rooftop safety training refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Rooftop safety training standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Safe digging practices (assured) - refresher

The purpose of safe digging practices refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full safe digging practices course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.

Safe digging practices refresher

The purpose of safe digging practices refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full safe digging practices course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.

Safety in Residential Buildings – Principal Contractor

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with an understanding of the impact of legislation, regulation and industry guidance relating to the role responsibilities of the Principal Contractor under the Building Safety Act, And the Safety and integrity of Residential Buildings.

Screed flooring and equipment introduction - Refresher

The purpose of Screed flooring and equipment introduction - Refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full Screed flooring and equipment introduction course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.

Specialist techniques for heritage wood occupations

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge and/or skills to use technical information and resources to draw, set out and pass on information that is clear and concise.

Spray painting introduction - Refresher

The purpose of the Spray painting introduction - Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Spray painting introduction standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Steelfixing introduction - refresher

The purpose of the Steelfixing introduction – refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full Steelfixing introduction course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.

Supervision of concrete pumping operations - refresher

The purpose of Supervision of concrete pumping operations - refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Supervision of concrete pumping operations standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.