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Your search for dust resulted in 40 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Safety in Residential Buildings – Principal Contractor

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with an understanding of the impact of legislation, regulation and industry guidance relating to the role responsibilities of the Principal Contractor under the Building Safety Act, And the Safety and integrity of Residential Buildings.

Telescopic handler: industrial telescope practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Telescopic handler: industrial telescope training

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Temporary works co-ordinator piling

The purpose of this standard is to train supervisors and engineers in the piling industry on specific Temporary Works requirements.

The avoidance of buried utilities for construction utilising ground penetrating radar - GPR Training

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the theoretical and practical knowledge to locate buried utilities safely and effectively for the purpose of avoidance, preventing utility damage and increasing safety during excavation for the construction industry by utilising ground penetrating radar (GPR).

Thin Film Intumescent Application

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge and/or skills to support thin film intumescent application.

Tolerances and standards for bricklaying occupations

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: examining poor and good practice; Building Regulations and industry standards; tolerances in wall construction; understanding the guidance and tolerances; identifying where to source the guidance documents.

Tool and Equipment Hire Management (TEHM) – dust management essentials

The purpose of this standard is to provide the Tool and Equipment Hire manager with the required skills and knowledge to ensure the company complies with legislation for both internal and external users of equipment likely to create dust or fumes.

Tool hire product awareness training (THPAT) - access equipment

Mobile Towers, also known as Scaffold Towers or Alloy Towers, are an integral part of the hire industry. These structures are a key item for working at height. This Standard addresses the correct inspection, supply and safe handling of Towers incorporating PUWER, WAH, MHASAWA, Lead Body and Manufacturers recommendations and guides.

Work practice and project planning for screed flooring

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: understanding job requirements and contract information; understanding the importance of job sheets, method statements and risk assessments; legislation, industry guidance and best practice; selecting resources; handling, loading and unloading resources; health and safety risks; site organisation / set up; personal protective equipment selection; project planning